
The Effect of Physical Education on Academic Achievement Essay

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The controversial topic in the realm of physical education is if physical education should remain in schools. Higher up’s are complaining about test scores and suggesting that cutting physical education programs would lead to better test scores. Technically, this would lead to more time spent sitting in a desk and listening to lectures in class, which is supposed to improve test scores. So, the solution to increase test scores is to take the small chance of physical activity that children receive during the school day and keep them almost completely sedentary for six-plus hours. When physical activity is restricted during school hours, children do not regain the lost physical activity after school, resulting in children who remain …show more content…

There is nothing more important than health, especially in this day and age. It’s concerning that only 29 percent of high school students surveyed by the CDC (2011) had participated in at least 60 minutes of physical activity on all seven days before the survey. The CDC also noted that only 31 percent of these high school students attended physical education class daily. Only 8 percent of elementary schools, 6.4 percent of middle schools, and 5.8 percent of high schools provide daily physical education to all of its students (SHPPS, 2000). The government is missing the fact that physical education can actually improve test scores, not the opposite.
There was a study done in Mississippi with elementary and middle school students, whose aim was to find associations between health-related physical fitness and academic achievement using standardized Language Arts and Math scores (Blom, Alvarez, Zhang, Kolbo, 2011). Besides the standardized test scores, objective measures of fitness were used, along with attendance records, discipline records and socio-demographic information of the area. The participants included 2,992 Mississippi public school children in grades 3-6. The results indicated a strong positive correlation between fitness and standardized test scores in Language Arts and Math. The more fit students had higher test scores and fewer absences overall. The study also revealed that students with the lowest number

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