
Raymond Carver Cathedral Analysis

Decent Essays

“Living is easy with eyes closed” – John Lennon. It’s clear that everyone has their own beliefs and opinions about everything. Some of these beliefs are based on facts, T.V, news and even stereotypes. “Cathedral,” a short story written by Raymond Carver, is about a man who tries to understand and accept a blind man that his wife had invited to stay at their house. In a short amount of time, our unnamed narrator who has a firm hold on what a blind person should be, undergoes a change when he comes face to face with one. Having thought that all blind people needed canes or black tinted glasses to cover their eyes, his assumption of blind people went out the door when our narrator comes face to face with the blind man, Robert, for the first time. Throughout the short story, our narrator slowly begins to see that the blind man is more than capable of taking care of himself. This can be seen when our narrator is surprised to see how well the blind man eats during dinner. “The blind man had right away located his foods, he knew just where everything was on his plate. I watched with admiration as he used the knife …show more content…

It wasn’t until later on when Robert was offered to smoke some marijuana by the male host. As they puffed and talked, I feel that this is where Robert had a sense of connection and our narrator began to see him more as a person then just a blind helpless man. “I’ll try some with you,” he said. “Damn right,” I said. “That’s the stuff” (par 58-59) this scene here gave me the feeling that he was puffing with a long lost friend for the first time in many years and their friendship was rekindled. As we see throughout the short story, our narrator is slowly realizing that he himself was the blind one, that all of his prior thoughts to blind people were out of ignorance and the lack of

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