
Racism And Discrimination In The Movie 'Crash'

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The movie “Crash” tells complex stories of caucasian, african american, latinos, koreans, iranians, law enforcement, criminals, low and upper class in which all is characterized under racism within each group. Each race is guilty and are victims of racism. Throughout the movie, it portrays racism against other members of different races which results in repercussions of those perceptions. By stereotyping people, this causes people to be judged by their cover. Most people do not understand a person's culture, so they will be first to judge them based on what they have heard from outside sources. “Crash” is referring to the general consequences of racism. The term crash indicates that we are bound to have conflicts with each other because we ignore that racism is happening. Often times racism is pushed under the rug unless it results in violence or death among minorities. The acknowledgement of racism and discrimination is getting considerably prevalent due to the fact that there is a blind eye to this issue. The term “crash” is being used when describing racial inequalities because people do not want to acknowledge that racism or discrimination is happening thus people become upset about the ignored situation and express their concerns through violence and protests. For example this accurately describes the race riots among the African American communities, they feel they are being ignored which is causing violent outbreaks. A quote by Rick in the movie Crash stated that “what we need is a picture of me pinning a medal on a black man”. Rick is trying to prove to the Los Angeles community that he is not racially biased and to prove that he wants to show him pinning a medal on a african american. Although he claims that he is not racially biased, he knows that it is still an issue with color. Overall the movie, shows that no matter a person race, religion, ethnicity or gender we ultimately need each other when confronted with the loss of a life. “Crashing” can promote either positive or negative change. Throughout the movie, there were multiple scenes were there were negative “crashes” that happened but ultimately lead to a positive outcome. For example, Anthony and Peter helped the chinese man that they

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