
Examples Of Multiculturalism In The Movie Crash

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The movie, Crash, demonstrates the lives of various individuals from divergent socio-economic classes, who have life changing experiences in between their conflicting prejudices and stereotypes. The theme of multiculturalism has also made its influence on the major characters of the movie: a white American district attorney and his wife who is constantly scared of "the other"; two African American thieves who steal their car, a racist police officer who offends an African American TV producer and harasses his wife, a non-racist police officer, a Latino lock maker, a Persian family and another African American detective in the search of his brother.

Racism, prejudice and stereotyping, as the major themes of the movie, Crash, dominate all the …show more content…

The first encounter of the woman and the officer resulted with the woman's humiliation not only racist, but also in a sexually discriminating way in front of her husband. Her reaction to this incident and the discussion she has had with her husband even makes her marriage become on the rocks. The next day when she gets frustrated by her husband, after a failing attempt for dialogue, she gets involved in a car accident and gets stuck in her car. She reacts aggressively after seeing that the racist, sexually perverted police officer is actually trying to get her out of the car. After a while of resistance to the officer, she gives up when she realizes that the car is about to explode in a while. During the attempt of rescue, the flames around the car grow, and the other officers try to get the racist officer out of the car. Here, we can see another climax which creates an impact on both characters and the audience. The police officer gets away from his friends and keeps on trying to save the woman. In this moment we can see how both characters change the way they see each other, as a mutual point of basic contact and decent human communication. After saving the woman's life, it is noticeable that the police officer’s attitude changes along with the rescued woman who didn’t want him to save her at

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