
Qualitative Research Critique : The Experience Of Living With Dementia

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Qualitative Research Critique Assignment
The article that I have selected to be critique is “The Experience of Living with Dementia in Residential Care: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis” by Linda Clare, Julia Rowlands, Errollyn Bruce, Claire Surr, and Murna Downs.
Statement of the Phenomenon of Interest Clare, Rowlands, Bruce, Surr & Downs (2008) stated the phenomenon of interest very clear that the article is about the personal accounts of older adults living with dementia in a residential care home. The justification of using qualitative method was to have the personal accounts and interviews to have a better understanding of the subjective experience of being in residential care home and living with dementia (Clare, Rowlands, Bruce, Surr & Downs, 2008, pg. 712). Prior studies that were quoted in this article had used observational and questionnaire-based studies, this article took a rare approach of getting the direct accounts from the residents face to face (Clare, Rowlands, Bruce, Surr & Downs, 2008, pg. 712). The philosophical underpinning of the research method is the 28 qualitative research studies before this study focused on capturing the personal accounts and interviews through comprehensive review with utilizing the grounded theory or phenomenological methods (Clare, Rowlands, Bruce, Surr & Downs, 2008, pg. 712).
Clare, Rowlands, Bruce, Surr & Downs (2008) states the purpose of the study is to explore how older adults who are diagnosed with

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