
Pros Of Going To College

Decent Essays

“It is virtually impossible to compete in today’s global economy without a college degree” (Scott). These days it’s easier to get a job if you have graduated from college. Not everyone continues their education, but it’s harder to be employed. Although some believe you can make it without a degree, many say it’s a better choice to go to college. Going to college comes with many benefits. However, you only gain them if you graduate. “The data make it clear that getting a college education is still a good idea – college graduates earn more, and are more likely to have a job in the first place – and is especially important for some Americans” (Rotherham). As Rotherham stated, data shows college is the right choice if you wish to have it easier as an adult getting a job and a higher salary than high school graduates. Although, some think college isn’t worth it because they think it’s like high school, except you have to pay for it. “You might think college is just high school continued, but it’s not. College opens doors for you… It can change and shape you in ways you can’t imagine” (bigfuture). College gives you many opportunities high school can’t. That is a reason why many students choose to go. …show more content…

Most graduates are satisfied and feel the price is fair enough. “86 percent of college graduates say getting a degree was a good investment for them personally” (Adams). The result from the survey shows that almost 90 percent of graduates were glad they made the choice to go to college. Not only is the majority pleased with their education, they are also more successful. “The majority of college graduates are likely to end up… where the median incomes are around $50,000 and $60,000” (Draeger). Many are likely to make more if they have a college degree, which shows the price and time is worth it. If you are worried about debt, your degree will help you

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