
Preconceptions In The Blind Man

Decent Essays

If a blind person walked into the room, I would expect to see someone who looked feeble, wore dark glasses, used a cane, and potentially had a guide dog. The narrator of this story had similar preconceptions about the blind. Some of these preconceptions were that “the blind move slowly and never laugh”, “sometimes [the blind are] led by seeing-eye dogs”, the blind man’s life and marriage were unfulfilling because he was unable not see, and others that had to do with physical appearance and mannerisms. This blind man though breaks these stereotypes and much more. Conventional ideas about the blind are broken because of the way he was portrayed and helped to teach the narrator a lesson. The blind man, Robert, is an independent person. Throughout the story, he shows this through some of his actions, such as not using a cane and cutting his food without the help of the others at the table. He also portrays his independence through his stories when he talks about some of his past jobs such as a ham radio operator and an Amway distributor. Robert’s independence helped to break many of the stereotypes that the narrator had in place which helped to change the narrator's life. One of these main lessons I believe was that there is a difference between physically seeing and perceptively seeing. Although Robert was not able to see things physically like the narrator, he was able to perceive things in a way that the narrator could not. This could be seen when it came to Robert and the narrator's wife. Even though the Robert was unable to see the narrator's wife, he could perceptively see her, understand her, and listen to her in a way the narrator was unable to. He understood her problems and poetry, and give her companionship in a way that the husband did not see that she needed. From the beginning of the story, the narrator gave the impression that he believed he was better than the blind man because he had physical sight. After realizing the blind man understood his wife more and during the last moments when the two of them drew a cathedral together, the narrator's perspective changed. In the evening, after a documentary aired on the television about Cathedrals, the narrator attempted to describe one to the blind

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