
Physician-Assisted Suicide Essay

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Physician-Assisted Suicide

In today's society, a very controversial issue is physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill patients. Many people feel that it is wrong for people, regardless of their health situation, to ask their doctor or attendant to end their life. Others feel it is their right to be able to choose how and when they die. When a doctor is asked to help a patient to their death, they have certain responsibilities that come along with it. Among these duties, they must prove valid information as to the terminal illness the patient is suffering. They also must educate the patient as to what their final options may be. When they make the decision of whether or not to help the patient into death, and should they …show more content…

Kevorkian had created a machine, known as the "suicide machine", which was made up of three glass bottles connected to an IV. In the three bottles were saline solution, a sedative, and potassium chloride. When the patients felt they were ready to begin the process, they turned the machine on themselves and were put to sleep by the sedative. After this, they were eventually killed by the potassium chloride. It has been said that when the people began hearing about Dr. Kevorkian and his "suicide machine", many terminally ill patients began to fear their own physicians. The patients began to believe that all physicians were out to assist them to death or try to talk them into physician-assisted suicide (Thomas 14). Kevorkian claimed that he had, “caused no death; he just helped with his patient's "last civil rights.” He states that doctors that don't help assist their patients are like the “Nazi doctors during World War 2, those who used experiments on the Jewish people.” (50-51).

For those people who believe that physician-assisted suicide should be their choice, they feel it should be legalized because: they don't want to go through the suffering caused by the terminal illness, they fear the loss of independence, becoming a burden to their family and/or friends, and they also fear dying alone.

It was reported, in Richard L. Worsnop's "Assisted Suicide Controversy," that many people fear living a life in excruciating

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