
The Debate Of Assisted Suicide

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The topic of assisted suicide is very controversial and is heavily debated upon all around the world. While physician assisted suicide is only legal in the Netherlands, Switzerland, and a few states in the U.S., it is illegally practiced widely by physicians and nurses, such as Dr. Jack Kevorkian. I first heard of physician assisted suicide when the death of Dr. Kevorkian, an assisted suicide advocate and a suicide aid, was on the news in 2011. Kevorkian assisted in the suicide of many patients who could not find any more reasons to live. Many people oppose of his practice, but I believe Kevorkian was trying to help these patients find peace. This topic is important because it can help end the long pain and suffering of patients. Seeing the struggles of the patients Dr. Kevorkian has worked with makes me believe that the legalization of physician assisted suicide it necessary, but not everyone agrees. The main focus of this paper is how the rights and decisions of terminally ill patients may impact the rest of us. The audience of this research paper is made up of physicians and nurses practicing physician assisted suicide, patients with terminal illnesses, families of patients with terminal illness, and judges and jurors dealing with cases in this field. The purpose of this paper is to help others understand the importance of this topic and become informed on how the denial of assisted suicide can affect patients.
My research on these questions lead me to believe that

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