
How Different Are Our Thanksgivings

Decent Essays

How different are our Thanksgivings really? How many people do you know that do things differently than you for Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is a time where you get your whole family together and spend time with each other. During your time together, you reminisce about hilariously weird memories and laugh at all of the amazingly fun times you guys have had together. Also, you feast and make more memories that you will have with you forever! When your with whoever’s house you go to, you get to be you and not worry about what anyone thinks because you know your family loves you the way you are.
Writing this essay could make you have an open mind about others and how different we celebrate our holiday. Most of my peers and I eat the same thing. Some things are Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, and Mac n Cheese. More things we all eat in common is Ham, Stuffing, and Green Bean Casserole, and ect. Also, we all have pies and something to do with vegetables. Not everyone has the same type of thing but have something to do with one thing. Although, the main courses of our food is the same with most people. Everyone has at most three things the same whether it’s a type of pie or actual food, they are the same. About six, maybe more, are different than what we eat. One thing is dumplings, not everyone eats dumplings. Green Beans, cheese and cracker platter, chips and dip, and French Silk Pie are all more examples of what we eat differently than others. For Thanksgiving, some have seven pies or they have one pie, or we have pecan pie and someone else has apple pie. We all have different qualities of certain food depending on who like it. Making some new food this year would be a great idea, because you don’t know if you like it or not, and you won’t know unless you try it. The activities we do inside are different, some play video games or watch football or basketball. My family along with many others play board games and reminisce over our most prized and favorite memories. Also our behavior around each other is kind and caring because we care about one another. Some families fight or try and talk over each other because we wanna talk or we just don’t get along in general. My favorite thing to do during Thanksgiving or any

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