
A Persuasive Essay About Thanksgiving

Satisfactory Essays

A huge turkey piping hot on the middle of the table surrounded by stuffing, mash potatoes, cranberry sauce, bread rolls, and corn on the cob. I always thought everyone had the same type of Thanksgiving. Where everyone gets their turkey, drowns the turkey in gravy, and sits down to watch the football game. Too my surprise, that isn’t how it is for my classmates. I realize now that Thanksgiving varies in every household

Every year for me, we head to my aunt's house on my mom's side at 2 o’clock where all the food is homemade. Soon after that we go to my grandma on my dad's side were the food is a little bit worse. Other people often have Thanksgiving held at their house. The whole family comes to their house for Thanksgiving. I thought everyone had two Thanksgiving like me! …show more content…

Apparently not! Some families would prefer having chicken or beef tamales for the main course. Others prefer stuffing a chicken filled duck inside of the turkey. Not my family. We eat ham and turkey as the main course. We pour Pepsi over our ham to add sweetness. Ham is our main course because turkey is to dry for us

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