
Nt1310 Unit 1 Reflection

Decent Essays

1.Thoroughly reflect and explain how you have reinvested knowledge from different subjects and areas to accomplish your project.

A. Explain how you were able to use your existing knowledge and competencies from many subjects to succeed in your task.

For this project I reinvested many knowledge i learn in school. First of all, we had talk a lot about world war II in history class, so I already know the main context of our project. We choose Scientific innovation because a lot of objects where created for the war, but we are surprised to know some of them are old like this.

B. -Demonstrate new things you learned while doing this project and how you learned them?

This group project was a lot of organization. At this moment, we had a lot of exams and …show more content…

-Evaluate how this project helped you understand the importance of justice and equality in a society. (It can be constructive: what could have been improved to make you understand it better?)

At the end of the project, i can say I have not thought much about this subject that the project was bringing us to do that because, from the start, the emphasis was more on the creation of the video that on this reflection. I see where the justice and the equality can come from in the project, but I would not be able to give examples and go in details. This would be a point to improve for the years to come.

2. Evaluate the limits and the advantages of interdisciplinary projects in regards to knowledge acquisition and mastery.
A-Explain how having seen historical concepts within your English course will help you understand them in Monde contemporain.

I think these two subjects can be very connected in terms of work because many research where made in english during world war two, and it was easier to find information on scientific innovation. We talk a lot about world war I and II during high school and thats why it was intelligent to reinvest it in an english project so we can really assimilate the subject

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