
Essay on NixLWk3Assgn3

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Reading Lisa Nix Walden University Dr. Amy Summer, Instructor EDUC - 6709G - 1: Literacy Development in an Academically Diverse Classroom May 25, 2014 Reading The use of formal and informal reading assessments provide important data that allow educators to identify at risk students (Tompkins, 2010). The data collected from the assessments address any factors that may prohibit the development of students’ reading and writing skills. In addition to the assessments, the more an educator can learn about students’ backgrounds and their past reading, language development, and writing experiences the more instructional strategies can be designed to specifically meet the needs of diverse learners in the classroom. A second grade …show more content…

The mother explained she cannot read or write in the English Language, but her son’s older siblings can and try to help the younger sibling. The two older siblings have been very successful throughout their educational experience and have not struggled as the younger. She stated that her son as no desire to read at home, and completing homework is an everyday struggle with him. This student is in Tier 3 of the Response to Intervention (Mesmer & Mesmer, 2008) process, and has been referred for testing for special education services. After completing all the assessments and the parent interview, reading and writing activities were differentiated and conducted during whole group and small group instruction. Bear (Laureate Education, Inc, 2009c) discusses using the RRWWT Framework for guiding instruction for students. During the Read To activity, the Emperor’s Egg (Jenkins,) is read whole group to the students. This is an information text which uses labeled diagrams and captioned pictures throughout to provide additional information about the topic. During the Read To, students are following along in their basal as I read, and I have students discuss the diagrams of the Emperor Penguin. Drawing attention to the diagrams and teaching the students how illustrations and diagrams within text can aid in their understanding of what is being read seems to help the struggling reader. Using the visuals such as the diagrams helps this

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