
Graduation Speech : A Special Education Classroom

Decent Essays

I was welcomed to Southeast Elementary by Mrs. Becca ElsaMiller. The environment as you walked into her special education classroom felt very open. As soon as I walked in I could tell that the students felt accepted in this classroom. I enjoyed the way that the adults were referred to by their first names. I was referred to as Ms. Caroline and that made me feel like I wasn’t as far off from the students. I saw a lot of trust and good connections among Mrs. ElsaMiller and her students. I spent two days in Mrs. ElsaMiller’s special education classroom. In these two days I got a lot of hands on experience with students that have disabilities. The students that I worked with most had programs to help their reading and English skills. I observed Mrs. ElsaMiller working with students and I also interacted with students. When I interacted with students I facilitated reading sessions and listened to students read out loud. On the second day I watched Mrs. ElsaMiller enter data for each student and discussed with her how she thought the progress was going for each student. I found it very interesting to see how some of her students increased at a very steep rate but some of her students stayed in the same spot throughout the whole year. It was interesting to listen to Mrs. ElsaMiller talk about how she thought one student might have a tracking problem and that is why her reading score is not increasing. But, she was hesitant to say that to the parents because the test for that can

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