
My Philosophy of Teaching Essay

Decent Essays

My Philosophy of Teaching

When thinking of a philosophy of teaching, four major issues need to be considered. Those issues are one’s views on education, the role of the teacher, teaching and learning, and on the children. This is something that someone entering the teaching profession needs to give serious thought to and realize the importance that this will hold in the future. The following essay will express my philosophy of teaching.

One very important factor in every life is the education received as we mature. Education in all subjects is necessary to become a well-rounded individual. Even so, I feel that my subject area has more significance in one’s future because every person uses mathematics every day. …show more content…

This allows students to build confidence in their own ability to apply what they have previously learned to new concepts and promotes self-exploration. As I think of the issues that should be considered when developing one’s teaching philosophy, the view on children is the one that I find is most important. The children should always be the first priority, forget standardized tests. If students aren’t learning for their future accomplishments, then my job isn’t being done correctly. Children are sponges that absorb everything, and with the right motivation, all students are able to learn and have the drive to want to learn to better themselves as individuals, and that is what teaching is all about.

In conclusion, teaching has many aspects that need to be considered. I have seen examples of teachers with amazing philosophies on teaching and those are the teachers that everyone remembers. I have had wonderful teachers who have become my role models, and if I can become half the teacher that they were, I would be satisfied. I have also learned what a bad teacher is and the effect to a student’s morale that such a teacher can have. Observing how teachers have implemented their philosophies over the years has led to the development of my own philosophy. I can only hope that the way that I implement my teaching philosophy inspires some other eager, young minds into the profession of

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