
Macbeth Is Entirely Responsible for His Own Demise Essay

Decent Essays

William Shakespeare’s Macbeth is a tragedy about a war hero named Macbeth, who follows his ambition with evil and who is repaid with evil. He is responsible for his own demise although only to a certain extent. There were many other factors that contributed to the tragic that could have been avoided - for example how the witches’ predictions are responsible for influencing Macbeth’s thoughts although ultimately no one told Macbeth to kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth was also a very influential character which manipulated Macbeth into doing bad deeds however he is responsible for putting power into the hands of Lady Macbeth and letting her influence him. Finally, Macbeth acknowledges his guilt of wrongdoing and is thereby responsible for his …show more content…

If Macbeth truly did not want to commit evil, he could have refused his lady’s arrangements. Instead, Macbeth accepts the plans and goes further by asking Lady Macbeth to “mock the time with fairest show”. Macbeth understood that killing Duncan was an immoral act but still persevered and therefore the one ultimately to blame for his death.
Macbeth was conscious that his thoughts are used for “only [for] vaulting ambition” and yet he does nothing to correct the situation of his thoughts. Macbeth was not mentally deranged before the killing of Duncan and is able to differentiate good from evil, nevertheless he chose to commit regicide. Macbeth reveals that he knows what he is about to do is immoral, and that that “judgement here…. [will be] taught [to] return to plague the inventor”. This ambition eventually lead Macbeth to greed and paranoia; making him willing to do anything necessary in order to secure his position of power. It also becomes easier and easier for Macbeth to commit heinous crimes. Without thinking twice, he orders the murders of Macduff's family, including his children. Macbeth's selfishness and reckless ambition lead him to his own demise.

Macbeth is crucially at fault for his own death, although blindly following the witches and giving Lady Macbeth so much power over him to manipulate and influence him are an essential irrefutable factors that aided in his death. Although ultimately it was Macbeth’s own blind and greedy ambition which both

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