
Life And Death Of A Moth By Annie Dillard And Virginia Woolf

Good Essays

Life and Death Told by a Moth In the short stories, the “Death of the Moth,” Annie Dillard and Virginia Woolf discover a moth flying and observes it. The short versions has two versions and both author tries to explore the theme of life and death and explains their perspectives on it. Both of the short stories have similar titles, but both pieces exhibit several differences. Annie Dillard starts off her short story by beginning the death of the moth and realizes the value of life. Virginia Woolf tells us that she sees the moth as a pathetic creature and sees that death is a powerful force that no one can stand up to. Both authors go into great detail pertaining to life and death. One thing …show more content…

This is then implemented in her essay because she has pessimistic views such as how it is an insignificant creature and it should stop struggling against death. The moth died different ways in both versions and also different actions were taken against the moth during their deaths. In Dillard’s piece, the moth died by flying into the flames of the candle. The moth becomes a “sudden ball of fire” and had a violent death. She was really descriptive of how the moth died and gave us a vivid picture. She says how the “mouthparts cracked” or how it’s “antenna crisped.” The moth “burned for two hours” and the action that Dillard took was that she “blew her out.” This shows Dillard thinks this is how people should deal with death. The moth staying being present for two hours burning represents that you can’t accept death; however, in reality blowing the candle shows us it’s time to move on with life. “Like a flame-faced virgin gone to God, ........ while night pooled wetly at my feet” is what Annie Dillard stated when she described the moth’s death as something magnificent. Dillard sees the moth’s death is an important part of it’s life and wants to empathize it. On the contrary, Woolf’s moth died because it was natural. The moth fell down and struggled to get back up. She stated, that the moth “flew vigorously to one corner of his compartment, and after

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