
Kids Growing Up Too Fast

Better Essays

Social media/technology is making kids grow up too fast

Whatever happened to everyday bike rides through the ‘old road’ with friends during summer? Playing in the mud and getting dirty, swimming in river banks and lakes, having water fights with water balloons and bottles, drinking cold homemade lemonade and sitting on the edge of the road eating 50c ice blocks as the days got heated? These are just a few of the many fun activities I did as a young child from the ages of 6/7 until the age of 13, when I was introduced to my cellphone. They are also things which have now become rare, boring and have been made a second option in the minds of the generation of today. Kids these days have dropped using their imaginations, going on adventures and …show more content…

My topic is, ‘Social Media/technology is making kids grow up too fast’ and my three points which will act as evidence for my argument are:
Kids spending more time inside using social media as a source of entertainment and the consequences of it.
Kids being exposed to more mature themes at a younger age such as sex, violence etc.. kids creating an ideal image of themselves at an earlier age.

My first argument is that, ‘kids today are spending more time inside looking at devices and using social media as a source of entertainment.’ At the young age of 17 I have realised how much my cell phone and other social media’s result to me wasting a day. I have tried to reduce my use and time I spend looking at my screen and have picked up the importance of staying healthy and keeping active; this being scientifically proven as an outcome of a longer and much healthier lifestyle- especially for the future of our generation. However, this is something that simply cannot be maintained by staying indoors all day which quite frankly these days you will find, is more common for children than going down to the local field for a fun game of touch or soccer with a …show more content…

However it is quite obvious that the overuse of it can negatively impact a persons and even more so, a young child’s wellbeing. I highly believe that social media is stealing away the adventurous and educational childhood of past generations. It is being replaced with advanced technology and over-exposed websites which is speeding up the emotional as well as the physical growth of today’s generation. The excessive amount of time that children spend on social media and technology on average have very negative impacts on their well being such

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