
Iago And Roderigo In Shakespeare's Othello

Decent Essays

In the opening dialogue between Iago and Roderigo in lines 1-80 of Shakespeare’s Othello, Iago’s multifaceted, duplicitous and overall complexity in his actions, behaviour and mannerisms are revealed and can be exemplified through the diction and tone of this particular passage. In addition, Iago’s behaviour can be perceived as indicative to the foreshadowing of Shakespeare’s theme of appearance vs reality.
In Shakespeare’s Othello, Iago’s conversation with Roderigo highlights his multifaceted and overall complex behaviour and is illustrated throughout the diction and tone of this passage. Iago’s complexity comes to light as he can be shown saying one thing and then shown doing the opposite in the next moment. This is exemplified as …show more content…

This quote suggests Iago’s duplicitous behaviour as he adopts a false persona when around Othello as a loyal and trustworthy “ancient” (1.1.35) while ironically, he desires to “serve [his] turn upon [Othello]” and take advantage of him as he looks out for himself and himself only. Iago’s characterization and personality can be seen as multifaceted as it has more than one aspect to it. As Iago says “You shall mark many a duteous and knee-crooking knave that, doting on his own obsequious …show more content…

As soon as Iago firsts opens his mouth to speak, his tone is of an irate nature with a hint of bitterness as he begins to rant to Roderigo about Othello. As Iago explains to Roderigo that the “Moorship” (1.1.35) passed him over for a promotion to lieutenant even though he had been loyal and instead chose Michael Cassio, a man, who Iago explains, does not have the practical skills and experience for war and what it entails. Already, Iago’s hatred for Othello shines through with him referring to Othello as “Moorship”, which can be considered to be an offensive, yet sarcastic slur. Iago’s tone is irate and vengeful throughout the passage and it would seem logical as Othello has denied what Iago would see as his “rightful” promotion. It is hinted that since Othello did not promote Iago to lieutenant, this begins Iago’s process of play-acting to be truly loyal to Othello while he only looks out for himself as he hides his true intentions from Othello. As Iago refers to people who only act the part of a loyal servant only to truly be focussing on themselves and become their own masters says “These fellows have some soul, and such a one do I profess myself…In following him I follow but myself…I

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