
How Important Is My Family's Cultural Identity?

Satisfactory Essays

Cultural Identity Cultural identity is the natural feeling you have from belonging to a group. Cultural identity is a lot of things but what is most influential to me are holidays, and family activities because these concepts stick out to me the most. Cultural identity is something that everybody has whether they realize it or not, they just need to understand it, and find themselves within their culture. Holidays in my family are celebrated in a very unique way. My grandmother always manages the holidays we celebrate, from Christmas, to Easter. For Christmas, we actually celebrate on Christmas Eve. My mother, father, and I go to my grandparents house on Christmas Eve to eat a big Christmas dinner, open each other's presents, and celebrate together. Christmas Eve is really fun and memorable every time, we all enjoy it a lot more than actual Christmas day. When Christmas day arrives the next day, it is me, my mother, and my father. We all wake up fairly early, usually out of excitement but sometimes some of us need to be manually woken up, …show more content…

During the summer, my family and I enjoy going out in the bay in our boat and enjoying a full day out in the summer weather. We do several different things out in the boat, my favorite being docking up at a beach and exploring different islands. When we find an interesting looking island out in the boat, we see if we are allowed access on it and if we are, we like to look around the island and find unique things about it. This is probably my favorite thing to do when we go out in the boat, but I have a close second favorite. Other than exploring islands, I really enjoy fishing with my dad, or entire family. This is not limited only to summertime but it is easily my favorite time of the year to go out to our favorite fishing spot as there are plenty of fish and the weather is nice so we can jump off if we get to

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