
How Did The British Cause The American Revolution

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The Actions of the colonies caused the American revolution, however the acts of the British caused the colonies to act in such a way therefore the British are the mainly responsible for the American revolution. The main reasons for the revolution were, the Boston tea party which was the first major act of violence by the colonists, and involved the king. The first Continental congress, which was set up because of the intolerable acts. And finally the second continental congress that started off the revolution.

The Boston Tea party of 1773 was the first major act of violence by the colonists which contributed to the American revolution. By this time colonists were rejoicing over Rockingham’s sneaky move of the repeal of Stamp act; ignoring …show more content…

Which was lead by Patrick Henry, George Washington, John and Samuel Adams, John Jay, and John Dickinson. The tribulations of the colonies first started with the proclamation in 1763 when they were forbidden to cross the Appalachian mountains and then continued through the Acts of Sugar and Currency by George Grenville which caused boycotts and made colonists incapable of barddening because they didn't have the British currency, however Britain was only concerned about paying their debt and improving the poor economy of Britain at the moment. A year later in 1765 Grenville issued the Stamp act; a direct tax that resulted in colonists protesting. Even Though there were certain groups formed who were against the British government this was the first time all the leaders officially met to form a strategy and a plan to protect the rights of the colonies. The rationale for the formation of the first continental congress was in response to the ‘Intolerable’ acts set by George III, who closed the Boston port, which was the largest trade port; affecting commerce greatly, putting merchants in financial crisis, and destroying the economy of America. This act also included, the Massachusetts Government Act, placing Massachusetts entirely under British control. The administration of Justice Act, allowing royal officials to be tried in Britain if the King felt it was necessary. The Quartering act which obligated colonists to take in the soldiers in their home to control the colonists and save money on food and shelter for the military. This resulted in protests in assemblies, because their homes have been invaded and no longer have privacy. The leaders thought the king was now crossing boundaries and the addition of Coercive ‘intolerable’ act on top of everything was preposterous and strengthened resentment. The congress was held in Philadelphia were all colonies except Georgia was

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