
Hamlet Insanity In Hamlet

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In Shakespeare’s play, “Hamlet”, introduces an interesting character with the same name to the readers. Hamlet’s father tragically dies and he later finds out that it was his uncle, Claudius, who murdered him. This important event triggers the readers into believing that it causes Hamlet to become absolutely insane. However, Hamlet is not insane, and is instead merely putting on an act in order to get his revenge without getting suspected, which is really quite sane. Hamlet resorts to any sort of verbal or physical use of insanity in order to trick everyone into believing that he has gone mad. When not in the presence of specific characters, Hamlet displays signs of intelligence and rational thinking. Everything that Hamlet is doing is for a very understandable reason; there is a purpose to what he does and why he does it. Hamlet’s personality has changed due to recent events that occurs throughout his depressing life.
The play demonstrates Hamlet to be insane, however, he uses this “insanity” to deceive everyone in order to draw attention from his suspicious activities. First and foremost, Hamlet deceives the entire state of state of Denmark by acting mad so that nobody would suspect him. For example, Hamlet says to Horatio, “How strange or odd soe’er I bear myself/ (As I perchance here after think shall think meet/ To put antic disposition on)” (I. V, 190-192). In this passage, Hamlet confirms to Horatio that he will be acting mad later in the future. This proves to be

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