
How Is Hamlet Insane

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Is Hamlet Insane or Sane?

Throughout the play of Hamlet, one of Shakespeare's most famous tragedy's the main character, Hamlet is faced with the responsibility of getting vengeance for his father's murder. He decides to pretend madness as part of his plan to get the opportunity to kill Claudius who was the suspected murderer. As the play goes on, his portrayal of a madman becomes believable, and the characters around him respond quite vividly. Through his inner thoughts and the obvious reasons for his actions, it is clear that he is not really mad and is simply an actor faking insanity in order to complete the duty his father assigned him. Hamlet only owns up to his madness because it buys him time to stay and perform actions if he …show more content…

When he talks to Guildenstern and Rosencrantz, Hamlet is clever to realize what their actual pupose of visiting was. "I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw. (2.2.401)." Hamlet is able to play with his friends through his "madness" and is still capable to maintain his secret of what he is really doing. Hamlet is so creative in his responses made to express his madness that Polonius's comments on there skill. "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't (2.2.223)." Hamlets smarts and acting of a madman make it to much to be a madman. Many would point to the murder of Polonius and say that Hamlet's action was caused by insanity. According to this believe, unlike all his other actions he was spontaneous and almost thoughtless, but it is not true. Almost directly before his arrival in the chambers of his mother, Hamlet had been upset in his attempt to kill Claudius because he was praying. However, at the time he felt ready to correct his revenge. When he goes to his mother's room not only did he most likely still have this feeling within him, her reaction towards his attempt at an explanation probably increase his anger for Claudius. When his mother calls for help, Polonius's voice muffled from behind the curtains, Hamlet may have thought he was Claudius and therefore killed with no need for additional thought even though it couldn't have been since he had just saw

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