
Guilt In Macbeth

Decent Essays

Today there are many popular television shows about fortune tellers and curious people seeking to discover their future. These people obviously have not read Shakespeare’s play with the three witches that speak prophecies to bring forth chaos and destruction. If they had then they would know the dangers of trying to perceive and fulfill such predictions. Shakespeare is known for his powerful plays, but this one, The Tragedy of Macbeth, surrpasses them all. The moral that every action has its consequences is taught through the main character, Macbeth, in his struggle between fortune and guilt. After receiving a so-called glimpse of his future from witches, he sets out with a false face to achieve his destiny by absolutely any means necessary. …show more content…

In the beginning of the play, loyal Macbeth brushes off the fact that the weird sisters tell him he will be king by saying, “If chance will have me king, why, / chance may crown me, / Without my stir” (1. 3. 143-144). This aside given by Macbeth leads the readers to believethat he is going to continue on with his reputable self until fate may crown him king. However, after sharing the prophecy with his wife, events begin to take a slight turn. Lady Macbeth is the one who persuades him to become king by taking the means into his own hands; therefore, it is she who feeds Macbeth’s evil ambition. After Macbeth has committed all the murders though, readers can infer Lady Macbeth regrets her decision of tempting him because she is overwhelmed with guilt and takes her own life. Macbeth’s dear friend and partner in crime, Banquo, is also a victim of Macbeth’s wicked hunger for power. Macbeth becomes so self-consumed with the prophecy as if “ it is only him who exists in his world, and he hears and sees only himself” that he forgets about those around who love him (Vince). What Macbeth thought was a positive fire in his belly, actually transformed him into a greedy king who contributed to the death of the people closest to …show more content…

The king, the servants, the best friend, the boy, and the mother are all dead, yet Macbeth does not seem to care a bit. Each time a fear arose, another person was ordered to die by Macbeth. His wife even took her own life because should could not deal with her husband’s callous deeds. In spite of all the loss around him though, Macbeth still finds the arrogance to actually believe that he is immortal, and he nonetheless continues with his evil ambition. After slaying Young Siward, he boast, “ Thou wast born of woman./ But swords smile at, weapons laugh to scorn,/ Brandished by man that’s of a woman born” (5. 7. 11-12). Acts just like this one display how cold Macbeth’s heart has become which is what turns all of his people against him -- leading him to his own death. This same idea is expressed by Alina Degunther in Good and Evil in Shakespeare’s King Leer and Macbeth when she states, “[Macbeth] becomes a victim of evil; however, he becomes a sufferer of his own ambition because he, never being deceived by human evil, alone decides to act that way, which consequently destroyed him” (22). Greed is a powerful temptation; one that overtook Macbeth and poisoned his mind increasingly everyday until it laid him to

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