
Guilt In Macbeth

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The author of the epic tragedy Macbeth, William Shakespeare, depicts the life and downfall of Macbeth, a former King of Scotland. The story narrates the evolution of guilt that Macbeth places on himself and is haunted with due to the serial murders that his hand commands of his close and trusted. His mind is corrupted by the events and the people around him, forcing him into a state of madness to pursue his goals. All of the deaths are on his hands, and they are forever stained with blood. Driven to a mad state by being influenced by his own wife and witches hands, Macbeth tries to accomplish his unreachable goal of resisting fate by using his hands to commit murder on innocent people, and commanding the hands of murderers as his guilt engulfs …show more content…

The witches gave Macbeth and Banquo a prophecy at the beginning of the novel, saying that Macbeth will one day be king. When King Duncan names his son Malcomb as king, Macbeth then retaliates with the series of murders. But there is another turning point in before the first murder, when Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth that he is kill Duncan, and she supports him. Later when he starts to rethink his plan, she pushes him to carry on with it, telling him it makes him look weak. “My hands are of your colour; but I shame/To wear a heart so white.”(2.2.67-68). As Lady Macbeth uses the words “to wear a heart so white” she means that she is not embarrassed and does not feel as guilty for her sins has Macbeth does. For Macbeth, the Thane of Cawdor and the future King, this is an embarrassing insult, and he does not want to look like a coward in front of his queen. So in turn, he sticks with his original notion to kill anyone that comes between him and his far-fetched goal to be …show more content…

His mindless companions, the murderers, are loyal to his kingship, and attempt to murder, and do murder, innocent men, women, and children. As he hires the killers, “Whose heavy hand hath bow'd you to the grave/And beggar'd yours for ever?”(3.1.88-89), he contemplates what he is asking them to do, but carries it out anyway. The mention of hand in this passage implies the mindset of Macbeth that the murderers will kill Banquo with a “heavy hand”. Macbeth also has a moment of retrospect where he has the chance to change his ways and stop hsi tyranny, but he decides that he will not think before he does anything else, because he believes that this will make him feel less guilty. “From this moment/The very firstlings of my heart shall be/The firstlings of my hand.”(4.1.152-154). This shows that he has lost all conviction inside himself, and is ready to overlook all past morals to make sure that he can remain in power of King. Macbeth has now successfully murdered blameless people, just so he can prove the three Witches’ prophecy to be

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