
Explain What Obligations Do Professionals In Your Field Have To Their Profession

Decent Essays

What obligations do professionals in your field have to their profession, their employees, their colleagues, and their clients and to society as a whole?
The journalism industry follows the MEAA Journalist Code of Ethics; this ensures that published content represents fairness, honesty, independence and respect for the rights of other (MEAA Org, 2017). It is a journalist’s responsibility to remain truthful, impartial and unbiased to maintain a transparent media landscape. As it is their role to keep the public informed and the powerful accountable, their obligation to uphold these ethical principles is critical. Should their primary obligation be to their organisation and its shareholders in the case of a public company?
Ethics is a public …show more content…

The way in which an organisation complies to this moral code creates a certain reputation and increased trust within their stakeholder’s overtime.

Do professionals guard their ‘secrets’ from the public? If so, why and how?
Professionals keep secrets from the public in both moral and immoral constructs. Unethically, organisations often keep information from the public to hide action, information or ideas that reflect poorly on the business. An example of this is the case of the company Enron (2001) where financial debt was doctored to perceive the business as more financially stable, therefore, making it more attractive to investors and analysts. Though companies may also choose to keep certain things secret from the public in order to stay competitive with the rivals. An example of this could be a secret cooking recipe.

What are the effects of unclear communication for both the profession itself and the people who are its clients?
Unclear communication between the organisation and their stakeholders can result in a loss of cliental and good reputation as their interests are not being put

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