
Dbq Essay On Rat Infestation

Decent Essays

There have been more recent rat infestations over the years. In the articles (sources) numbers 1, 2, and 3 they explain rat infestations exploding in several places. These are the three thing to look for when their is a rat infestation where are they occurring, the dangers to humankind, and how to eradicate them. First, rat infestations are occurring in places around the world. According to Source 1, John Davison explains, “Recent cold weather and flooding is believed to have led the disease-carrying rodents to shelter indoors. And the situation is only going to get worse because of the increase in the rat population thanks to a succession of milder winters, according to pest controllers.” This is explaining what causes this to happen to Britain. The bamboo seeds are causing the rat population to go up (Gill,Source 2). This is revealing the fact that too many seeds are causing the rats to come to Indian villages. In the article Jerry Falke stated, “Last fall was an exceptionally wet season in this area of Texas,” so that means rats are trying to escape the cold (Schattenberg, Source 3). This is describing how again the cold weather is pushing rodents in houses in barns in Texas. Weather is a …show more content…

When rats carry diseases they become a great threat to other lives [dogs, cats, and humans] (Davison, Source 1). This was seen when the Black Death wiped out 30-60% of Europe’s population during the late Middle Ages. In source 2, by Victoria Gill it states, “A once in a generation, gigantic plague of rats, that ruins crops and leaves people starving.” This is a that is a danger because humans could starve to death without food. Rats are eating and destroying important items in your house (Schattenberg, Source 3). This could be dangerous to us if they chew out a wire and it sparks it could set the house up in flames. These are some dangers rat bring when thy

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