
David Koresh And The Branch Davidians Ninth Day Adventists

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Term Paper: David Koresh and The Branch Davidians Seventh Day Adventists Bio: David Koresh,born Vernon Howell, was born August 17, 1959 to a single mother named Bonnie Clark, of 14, in Houston, Texas. His father was Bobby Howell with whom he never met. Koresh in his early years reported his life as lonely and alleged that he was beaten by his alcoholic step-father. He struggled in school, was dyslexic, developed poor study skills, and also had a stutter that led to him being put into special education classes. However, after he dropped out of high school he later found his passion in the Bible and rock music. He eventually legally married Rachel Jones, with who he would have two daughters and a son. Koresh joined a Branch of …show more content…

He forced the men in his following to become celibate and to give their wives to him. Koresh began sleeping with the other women and impregnating them. He had seventeen children total. There was also speculation that Koresh was sleeping with girls as young as the age of 12. Many accused Koresh of child abuse, where he would spank the children and beat them near death. Child Protective Service began asking questions and drove out to the compound to investigate. The investigation never found any wrong doing by Koresh, however, their concern was the gun safety of the camp. Koresh had begun a small gun selling and trading business to try increase income, which led to him stocking the ranch with guns and ammunition. This led to an investigation of illegal possession of firearms and explosives by the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). He later said that the Lord willed him and the Davidians to build an “army of God”. After a time of investigation the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms decided that something needed to be done. On February 28, 1993, they decided to raid the compound which led to the death of six Branch Davidians and four agents. Following the raid, the FBI took jurisdiction because of the deaths by agents involved. This led to a 51 day standoff where FBI negotiators communicated with Koresh inside the compound. They felt Koresh was holding his followers hostage and delayed surrendering them because he claimed that he

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