
Culture Makes Up A Person's Identity

Decent Essays

Culture identity is such a beautiful and marvelous thing that exists in this world. There is so much diversity throughout culture making every person and culture truly unique. Some people believe they have no culture but in reality every single person belongs to a culture. From the way a person dresses to a person's beliefs and morals is all affected by culture. There are many things that makes up a person's identity but culture plays a huge role shaping and forming the person's identity. From the moment I was born into this beautiful culture that I'm part of today my culture has definitely helped me become who I am today
Growing up I was always forced to wear what others wanted me to wear, and I never really had the opportunity to wear what …show more content…

I felt so uncomfortable I knew this is not how I wanted to look in public, but I couldn't tell my mom because I didn't know how to express myself. When I was four I started school this time my mom didn't dress me up instead school told me how to dress with bland khaki jeans that would always rip and a choice of navy blue or a white polo. It was fun for a the first couple of years but I soon came to realize the only form we could really express ourselves with clothing was our footwear and outerwear, but even on that we had restrictions. For nine years of my life roughly one thousand six hundred twenty hours of my life were spent in the same dreadful uniform which was very unpleasant and uncomfortable. There was finally a opportunity where I could finally wear what I wanted to wear but I soon came to a realization I wasn't really dressing the way I wanted to. I dressed like how other boys did in school we all looked similar with our adidas, joggers, and basic colors such as black and blue for shirts. Surprise I was unhappy even though I got to finally wear what I wanted to. Toward the end of the school year I started to notice people staring at …show more content…

Because of the way I acted at least two times of the week I would be placed in the livingroom and get lectured about how I should stop acting the way I was acting and grow up. The lectures consisted of the many stories of my family when they were growing up Mexico telling me I have it easy in life because I usually get everything I wanted at no cost, but I still took everything for granted. It was not until I was about eight years old my uncle had this brilliant idea he recently started his own buisness of a mobile car wash and I was the very first one to be hired. At the this point in life I had no clue what was going on my mom she stopped buying video games the only passion I had at the time and she took that away from me saying it was a luxury not a necessity. She believed if anyone really wanted something in life they will put the effort and try their best and achieve want they want. Well at eight years old my mom believed I was getting old and I shouldn't be getting spoiled anymore the time that was acceptable for my mom to spoil me was when she had a good payday, my birthday, and Christmas. Of course my mom and my family had several beliefs such as school is the only way I'll succeed in life and others stuff but for some reason this one about if I really wanted something in life I

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