
Analysis Of Life In The Movie: How Entertainment Conquered Reality

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One does not necessarily have to cluck in disapproval to admit that entertainment is all the things its detractors say it is: fun, effortless, sensational, mindless, formulaic, predictable, and subversive. In fact, one might argue that those are the very reasons so many people love it. At the same time, it is not hard to see why cultural aristocrats in the nineteenth century and intellectuals in the twentieth hated entertainment and why they predicted, as one typical nineteenth century critic railed, that its eventual effect would be to over turn all morality, to poison the springs of domestic happiness, to dissolve the ties of our social order, and to involved our country in ruin." said Neal Gabler, the author of Life in the Movie: How Entertainment Conquered Reality. I agree with this quote, that entertainment is mind numbing and lessen the values of our society. Back in the nineteenth century, entertainment was something that actually stimulated their minds, …show more content…

Entertainment has become predictable and boring that we resort to another form of entertainment to amuse us. For example, whether it's on television or a conversation, we automatically pull out of phones because the other form of entertainment is too dull. Our minds need something fun and exciting to stimulate our minds, but with today's entertainment we have become numb to the fact that we're throwing away our life to something so unsurprising and unoriginal. Society is not what it used to be, back then people actually we're entertained by their entertainment; today we just result to our entertainment because it is so effortless. Today's society is too lazy and bored to realize that there's better ways to be amused than by watching, reading, or talking about worthless things, such as the things found in today's entertainment, like Kim Kardashian's new Botox

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