
Entertainment In Brave New World

Decent Essays

What do you think of when you hear the word entertainment? Do you ever wonder why it’s the way it is? Have you wondered what forces, ideas, and people have molded and shaped it over time? How does entertainment affect culture and a society? These are questions that might have many different answers of varying explanations and magnitudes. For centuries, people have looked to a multitude of different things to do as a way to escape their normal lives and to have fun. So then came various forms of entertainment. Although it may not seem so at first glance, taking a more critical look at the similarities that our society shares with the Brave New World’s society may yield some shocking discoveries. Entertainment. What is it? The Oxford Dictionary defines entertainment as “The action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment.” Huxley wrote Brave New World to prove his thesis that leisure in society does not lead to increased culture. In our society, our culture, when someone thinks of entertainment, they typically think of a movie, music, news, a book, magazines, newspaper, sports, or …show more content…

In both societies, it is used to entertain the masses. In the Brave New World, entertainment is also used to distract citizens, and make them docile. The use of soma, constant intercourse, immersive entertainment machines, and presumably many other sources of entertainment put the citizens of the Brave New World in a sort of mental comatose or haze. But then I ask you, how different is our society in this sense? First, let’s look at initial exposure. On average, children between the ages 2-5 watch about 32 hours a week worth of television/media.(XXXX) that’s 1,664 hours a year, about 69 days, or almost 10 weeks. That much exposure has massive impacts on the developing brain. From age 5 and on, we are basically conditioned to accept whatever the industry throws in our

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