
An Argument For Community Change

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Argument for Community Change
Just imagine for a moment, strolling barefoot through silky sand, the warm sun beating down, and the sound of waves rhythmically rolling in. Picture dolphins dancing in the distance, seagulls whistling their blissful hymn above, and children laughing as they dance through the ocean spray. Sounds like the perfect escape, right? Tragically, the future of such a beautiful scene is in serious jeopardy! The quality of our waters is degrading at an alarming rate; the human race contributes to the problem daily, often without realizing it. Water pollution in Florida is reducing pure water sources at a drastic rate, destroying natural beauty, and severely impacting the survival of local wildlife. Human actions are a major contribution to this issue, therefore citizen awareness is the highest workable solution to diminish the threat and improve the degradation of our waterways. Florida cities near major waterways should establish annual community events to raise awareness and positively impact this problem.
It is no secret that Florida water conditions are deteriorating, but what caused the degradation? There are five state districts that have dedicated missions to figuring out exactly what went wrong and preventing further degradation. Additionally, these Water Management Districts are charged with managing the delicate balance of water quality available for human consumption with that of conserving the resources that nature needs in order to thrive.

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