
Administrative Assistant Hiring Process

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The Hiring Process and Managing a Diverse Workforce For this scenario, the one job opportunity we will use is Administrative assistant. Administrative Assistant is a broad job category that designates an individual who provides various kinds of administrative support to people and groups in business enterprises In order to develop recruitment methods to be used in hiring for this position, we have to take into consideration that there are several laws, regulations, policies and governing entities that human resource management have to comply with, for example the Civil Rights Act of 1964, sexual harassment, the equal employment opportunity commission, and affirmative action. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbids employers from discriminating …show more content…

They’re experts in office software as well as online research; they track and organize a company’s projects, handle scheduling, and diplomatically represent the company at all levels of the corporate hierarchy. In order to hire administrative assistant without discrimination, the following should be put into place. Submission of resumes as well as an application letter should be typed and submitted via email. This will help fairly eliminate those who are not computer literate since the beginning of making application marks the first step of interview this particular case. A huge turnout is expected and thus to deal with this huge turnout fairly this procedure should be put into place. Try these interviewing tips to learn how to interview administrative assistant job seekers for both technical and interpersonal skills: In order to maintain all applicants records in case a discriminatory charge occurs. An e –recruitment system is required. E-Recruitment is a whole of government system used by numerous government agencies to handle the recruitment process. It is a cloud-based application delivered through the …show more content…

In creating ones formal progressive discipline policy, follow these guidelines: • Tailor the progressive discipline system to the business. Other business's policies may serve as excellent models but be sure ones policy is appropriate for ones business and ones employees. • Specify which behaviors or infringements of work rules are not subject to progressive discipline -usually these will be serious behaviors that warrant immediate termination. • Decide whether to advise all employees of the policy, what ones progressive discipline steps are, how the policy is to be applied, and what the policy does not address. • Decide how one will maintain documentation that is memos about oral warnings, written warnings, among others. • Decide if documentation will remain in a file forever and, if not, under what circumstances and timing the documentation can be removed from the file. • Establish a procedure for maintaining the documentation and protecting the confidentiality of the information.

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