
A Difference Between Children 's Lives And The World On A Daily Basis

Decent Essays

I want to teach because I want to make a difference in children’s lives and in the world on a daily basis. Teachers’ can better the future by fostering and encouraging children’s ideas, intelligence and individual characteristics. I really enjoy being around children. You may think that you are the one teaching them a lot, and you are, but in return they are teaching you just as much. Another reason I want to be a teacher is because I enjoy witnessing children’s “light-bulb” moments. That moment when they finally understand a lesson or a concept. With younger children, and even some older children, they always keep you on your toes, so I like that there will never be a dull moment. Children have a funny sense of humor and are always happy about something. Also, I like that when I finally have a family of my own one day, I will be able to not only have a job but also have time to spend with my children. One last big reason I want to be a teacher is because I will be giving back to the community every day through the children and their education. Knowing why you want to be a teacher is easy, but with that comes understanding the purpose of education.
The purpose of education is to teach students life-long skills that they will always need. It is to bring children a full realization of what it truly means to be and function as a human being in society. It is also to prepare children for a career or job that they may obtain one day. The purpose of education is also to teach

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