
A Day Of Sorority Recruitment

Decent Essays

As I walked into the glittery ballroom once again, trying my hardest to remove the white cat hair from my black sweater, I noticed that almost everyone had heels on and ignored the Panhellenic letter that suggested we wear “church attire.” I was already nervous about having to wear an overly conservative dress that didn`t match my style for the second day of sorority recruitment, so seeing that everybody else looked like runway models only added to my nausea. However, when I looked around the room I saw many girls who were didn`t fit in, like me; some who opted for slacks, some who decided to wear no makeup, some who just didn’t look like everyone else. We all had similar demeanors: uncertain smiles, furrowed brows, and faces that were pointed straight down, as if we were being reprimanded.
After everyone had sat down, the recruitment organizers slowly handed out envelops to every girl, which would list the sororities that had invited them back. There was no chance that we would have no names in our envelopes, because those girls got informed that they weren`t welcome back the night before. So, when I opened my envelope I knew that at least one group thought I was good enough. I had my hopes high for a certain sorority and I was pretty positive that they liked me, but I was faced with disappointment as I opened my envelope. The one group that I felt I had “belonged” in had rejected me, and the one group that I had dreaded were at the top of my list. Now, I was lucky,

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