Texting And Driving Persuasive Essay

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    year from texting and driving? Yet, people are still doing it today. Texting and driving is a very dangerous thing. The fact that texting and driving can cause accidents, risking your life and others’, and delay and distraction leads to the idea that people should stop texting and driving. There are many bad things that can happen from texting and driving. When people take their eyes off of the road, they are risking an incident or even their own life. According to icebike.org, “Texting and driving

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  • Decent Essays

    You would think that every state in the United States would have made texting and driving illegal but, in fact in Arizona and Montana you can text and drive as soon as you get your license when you are 16. In Texas you can’t text and drive if you are under 18, a bus driver, or you are in a school zone but, if you are above the age, not in a school zone or a bus driver, then you can text and drive with ease. In Missouri it is illegal to text and drive if you are under 21, but once you are 21 you are

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    everyone take their phone out, you won’t lose any points at all. Just for my presentation. The fine for texting and driving in California is way too low, and doesn’t do enough to discourage drivers from using their phones behind the wheel. According to research conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, younger drivers are more likely to use their phone while driving than their older counterpart. College students are notorious for picking up their phone in the car, and the

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  • Decent Essays

    Distracted Driving is a Choice In the twenty-first century, technology is constantly evolving and becoming more abundant. Hand-held devices travel everywhere with consumers, too and from one’s destination and the in the car on the ride between. Cell phones keep within arm’s reach and are a major cause of distracted driving. In driver distraction accounting for an estimated 25 percent of all vehicle crashes, notifications from a hand-held device to create a constant distraction in the vehicle (Stutts

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    a drastic rise in deaths from texting while driving. Many believe that telling people not to text while driving will help but it hasn’t. There are two ways to fix this problem and it starts with the phone and car manufactures. Phone companies need to place a software in the phones that disable text messages from coming through. Car manufactures need to develop a compartment to put your phone, where a door closes when the car is in drive to prevent distracted driving and opens when the car is in park

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    distracting activities that people do is texting while driving. There have been many court cases and charges made for people who decided to text and drive. The drivers that were texting have been charged with manslaughter, murder, assault, and many other chargers. They could also have to pay for any damages to the other vehicle and any hospital bills of the injured. In 2011, a sixteen year-old girl was charged with manslaughter, assault, and texting while driving in a fatal car accident. According to

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    enacted to try to prevent distracted driving from happening, even though they cannot completely stop it. No matter what the age the driver is, he or she should not be texting while driving. Texting or even using a cell phone while driving is very dangerous to you and the people that are driving around you. While you are driving, you should protect yourself and the passengers that are with you in the automobile. More needs to be done about teens texting and driving to prevent them from having car accidents

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    fountains because they are so immersed in their cell phone that they are not aware of their surroundings. Now compare that to a young driver just getting their license. According to a AAA poll, 94% of teen drivers acknowledge the dangers of texting and driving, but 35% admitted to doing it anyway. 21% of teen drivers involved in fatal accidents were distracted by their cell phones. Even one death because of someone’s careless attitude is too much. This must stop. What I find most alarming is that

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  • Good Essays

    Prepared To Risk Your Life For Texting and Driving? For the last seven years there have been approximately 3,000 deaths due to texting and driving each year (“Motor Vehicle Safety”). This statistic only includes the number of people that have died due to texting and driving. The injury rate for the past seven years has been around 400,000 people per year (“Motor Vehicle Safety”). In some incidents, nothing will happen to the driver when they text and drive, and they will be perfectly fine. This

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    everyday and are known as the most deadly and most common personal injury. Accidents that have been caused due to texting and driving are around 1.6 million each year. The average text takes about 4.6 seconds to write out and send. If travelling around fifty five miles per hour that's long enough to be driving the length of a football field blind. Phone use while in the process of driving should be made illegal in all states, because of the dangers that it can put the operator of the automobile and

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