5) Sketch a possible function that satisfies the following criteria. Show work by explaining what each piece of given information means to the graph of the function [7 MARKS] f'(x) >0 for xe (-0,2) and xe (2,5) f'(x) <0 for x = (5,00) f'(2)=0 and f'(5) = 0 f"(x) <0 for x = (-0,2) and xe (4,7) Answer each of the following about this function. (a) Determine the open intervals on which the function increases and decreases. f"(x) > 0 for x = (2,4) and xe (7,00) (b) Identify the x-values at the critical points of the function....... (c) Classify the critical points as relative maximums, relative minimums or neither. Explain how you made the decision. (d) Determine the x-values at the inflection points. (e) Sketch the graph of the function described. T -10-9 *

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5) Sketch a possible function that satisfies the following criteria. Show work by explaining what each
piece of given information means to the graph of the function
f'(x) >0 for xe (-0,2) and xe (2,5)
f'(x) <0 for x = (5,00)
f'(2)=0 and f'(5) = 0
f"(x) <0 for x = (-0,2) and xe (4,7)
Answer each of the following about this function.
(a) Determine the open intervals on which the function increases and decreases.
f"(x) > 0 for x = (2,4) and xe (7,00)
(b) Identify the x-values at the critical points of the function.......
(c) Classify the critical points as relative maximums, relative minimums or neither. Explain how you
made the decision.
(d) Determine the x-values at the inflection points.
(e) Sketch the graph of the function described.
Transcribed Image Text:5) Sketch a possible function that satisfies the following criteria. Show work by explaining what each piece of given information means to the graph of the function [7 MARKS] f'(x) >0 for xe (-0,2) and xe (2,5) f'(x) <0 for x = (5,00) f'(2)=0 and f'(5) = 0 f"(x) <0 for x = (-0,2) and xe (4,7) Answer each of the following about this function. (a) Determine the open intervals on which the function increases and decreases. f"(x) > 0 for x = (2,4) and xe (7,00) (b) Identify the x-values at the critical points of the function....... (c) Classify the critical points as relative maximums, relative minimums or neither. Explain how you made the decision. (d) Determine the x-values at the inflection points. (e) Sketch the graph of the function described. T -10-9 *