Please do question 3.   1- Compute the bigram count table, C(w2|w1) for the following: "A skunk sat on a stump. The stump thunk the skunk stunk, the skunk thunk the stump stunk." Put w1 in the left hand column, and w2 in the top row.  Include punctuation, clitics, and sentence start and end markers as individual tokens.  2- Compute the bigram probability table, P(w2|w1) for the phrase “A skunk sat on a stump.”, assuming the following overall unigram counts: C(a)=80, C(skunk)=100, C(sat)=20, C(on)=25, C(stump)=60, C(the)=90, C(thunk)=50, C(stunk)=75, C(,)=80.  Assume there are 50 sentences in the corpus, and they all end with a period. 3- Compute the probability and perplexity of the sentence in Question (1) using the bigram approximation.   Smoothing  4- Smooth the count table you calculated in Question (1) using Laplace smoothing, and recalculate the probability table as well. Assume V=30.  5-  Recalculate the probability and perplexity of the first sentence in Question (1) using the smoothed table.

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Please do question 3.


1- Compute the bigram count table, C(w2|w1) for the following: "A skunk sat on a stump. The stump thunk the skunk stunk, the skunk thunk the stump stunk." Put w1 in the left hand column, and w2 in the top row.  Include punctuation, clitics, and sentence start and end markers as individual tokens. 

2- Compute the bigram probability table, P(w2|w1) for the phrase “A skunk sat on a stump.”, assuming the following overall unigram counts:

C(a)=80, C(skunk)=100, C(sat)=20, C(on)=25, C(stump)=60, C(the)=90, C(thunk)=50, C(stunk)=75, C(,)=80.  Assume there are 50 sentences in the corpus, and they all end with a period.

3- Compute the probability and perplexity of the sentence in Question (1) using the bigram approximation. 


4- Smooth the count table you calculated in Question (1) using Laplace smoothing, and recalculate the probability table as well. Assume V=30. 

5-  Recalculate the probability and perplexity of the first sentence in Question (1) using the smoothed table.