which literary form do they represent. literally forms~ Myth- a traditional story focusing on the deeds of gods or heroes, often in explanation of some natural phenomenon. List- an itemized series of names, words, etc., usually recorded in a set order. Prophecy- a prediction made under divine influence and direction. Law- a rule of conduct, moral principle, etc., derived from a generally recognized concept of universal justice. Sermon- a speech of a serious or solemn kind of pronouncement. History- a record or account usually written in chronological order of past events, especially those concerning a particular nation or people. Letter- a written or printed message, usually of a personal nature or concerning a specific subject. Proverbs- prose or poetic statements or maxims for instruction. Parables- short allegorical stories told to bring out a moral or religious truth. 10.Psalm- a sacred song or poem   Genesis 1:1-3  Luke 13:18-19    Matthew 5:13-16 Genesis 10:1-7 Lamentations 4:1 Sirach 9:10 1 Corinthians 1:10-11 1 Maccabees 1:1 Isaiah 7: 13-16 Deuteronomy 5:1-21 HINT: There is only one example of each literary form.

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which literary form do they represent. literally forms~

  1. Myth- a traditional story focusing on the deeds of gods or heroes, often in explanation of some natural phenomenon.
  2. List- an itemized series of names, words, etc., usually recorded in a set order.
  3. Prophecy- a prediction made under divine influence and direction.
  4. Law- a rule of conduct, moral principle, etc., derived from a generally recognized concept of universal justice.
  5. Sermon- a speech of a serious or solemn kind of pronouncement.
  6. History- a record or account usually written in chronological order of past events, especially those concerning a particular nation or people.
  7. Letter- a written or printed message, usually of a personal nature or concerning a specific subject.
  8. Proverbs- prose or poetic statements or maxims for instruction.
  9. Parables- short allegorical stories told to bring out a moral or religious truth.

10.Psalm- a sacred song or poem


  1. Genesis 1:1-3 
  2. Luke 13:18-19   
  3. Matthew 5:13-16
  4. Genesis 10:1-7
  5. Lamentations 4:1
  6. Sirach 9:10
  7. 1 Corinthians 1:10-11
  8. 1 Maccabees 1:1
  9. Isaiah 7: 13-16
  10. Deuteronomy 5:1-21

HINT: There is only one example of each literary form.