
tiger mother essay

Decent Essays

Mother Inferior?
Being a mother is to support your children all the way even if they choose to take the road you don’t want them too. Mother’s play a responsible role in children’s health, education and complete wellbeing. In the article, Mother Inferior? Hanna Rosin, the author talks about her mothering style, which is the complete opposite of Amy Chua from The Battle Hymn of The Tiger Mother. Hanna Rosin would allow everything that Amy Chua wouldn’t allow for her children. Her idea of raising children were different, she wanted her child to be happy in fact she never pressured her child into doing anything. Hanna Rosin had some good points; however, some of her points I cannot agree with her. I agree with Hanna Rosin when she said …show more content…

Success and happiness both matter in human life. If we aren’t successful we wouldn’t be happy. Success is our life goal. If we don’t find success in life we won’t be as achievable; which makes people unhappy. And that is why I disagree with that opinion of Hanna Rosins. Hanna Rosin’s idea was pretty clear, she wanted to be a good mother and give her child everything she can. She never really got a happy childhood, since her parents were immigrants and they had less money. Since her childhood wasn’t one of her happy days she wanted to give her child whatever she didn’t get in her childhood. I agree with her, that is how a mother should be. Mother’s should do what makes their child happy because that’s the best they can do. Mother’s have to be just in between of what Hanna Rosin and Amy Chua is. Hanna Rosin believed that children should be moderately successful; however she said that success would not make us happy. A western mother would want their children to be happy, just like Hanna Rosin. I agree one hundred percent, off course everyone wants to be happy. No one wants to be miserable. The fact that Amy Chua is miserable all the time is because she never enjoyed her life, she didn’t know how to be happy. I’d rather have a happy child who is also successful; not a miserable high achiever who looks happy on the outside but sad inside. A combination of the western and Chinese mothering is the best

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