
Yr 7 Hpe Theory Assignment

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Yr 7 – HPE Theory Assignment – Bullying – Rachael Negus
Bullying is when people repeatedly and intentionally use words or actions against someone or a group of people to cause distress and risk to their wellbeing. People who do it usually have more influence or power over someone else, or want to make the other person feel less powerful or helpless.
Bullying is not the same as conflict between people (like having a fight) or disliking someone, all though people might bully each other because of conflict or dislike.
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Bullying can look like:
• Being harassed or abused
• Being excluded
• Having rumours spread about you
• People posting stuff about you online
• Being dominated by someone
Repeated behaviour that is …show more content…

If you know or see someone who is being bullied, find out how to stop bullying. If you are being bullied, you should talk to someone you know well and trust; they will give you much needed support and will often have suggestions you hadn't considered for helping with the situation.

If you feel safe and confident, you should approach the person who is bullying you and tell them that their behaviour is unwanted and you won’t put up with it. If you are being bullied while at school, it is a good idea to seek help from a friend, or to talk to a teacher or counsellor to see if they can help. If you are being bullied at work, check out the info on workplace bullying.

Know your rights. You have a right to feel safe and to be treated fairly and respectfully. Bullying is a serious problem with serious mental and physical impacts. Find out about your rights when you’re facing harassment.
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