
Year Round School: Pros And Cons Of Year Round School

Decent Essays

Most schools in the United States of America follow the traditional 180-day schooling system. A system that was set in the 19th century, when schooling for children began with a 10-week vacation. During that period of time students would help their families on the farm during the summer. Today everything has changed, today we live in the 21st century, and the question is should schools stay the same or should they be year round. Year round school is a school that goes year-round. Year round school isn’t like regular school with no summer; it’s broken into different portions. First, a schedule with a summer break would usually will have about a week of Thanksgiving Day, a week for spring break, about ten days of winter break, and of course …show more content…

The main positive is pretty much getting rid of all the negative factors of the summer break system, but there is one main positive aspect of the modified calendar. The modified calendar for year round school provides time for intersession. Intersession can mean a lot of things for different schools and universities. Intersession, which can be mandatory, but is usually an optional activity, is a time for two things; review and enrichment. Over intersession, kids who aren’t quite grasping the material can spend more time reviewing the subject with the teacher to guarantee they are fully and deeply understanding the topics presented to them. If you don’t understand something in the time given in the usual school day, no need to fear, intersession is there to review the work and help you with any skills that aren’t fully developed. If you look at the usual classroom, about 2/5th of the students will think the class is moving too fast for them and they barely understand anything, 2/5th of the class thinks the class is moving to slow and they get bored, and for the other 1/5th, the class is moving just right. So intersession caters to students that think the class is moving too fast, but what about the rest of the students? What about students who think that the class is moving to slow? Intersession can have something for them too: enrichment. Over intersession, kids who are passion about learning and want to dive deeper into the subject now have the assets, resources, and guidance they need to do that. For example, passionate about English, intersession can work with the English team to, possibly assign you another book to read and write about. Passionate about math and you really want to learn about a thing called parabola. Over intersession you can work with the math team to dive deeply in parabolas and hyperbolas.

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