
World War 2 Positive Effects On Canada Essay

Decent Essays

World war 2, and the events throughout it, left a positive impact on Canada. Political policies including the Hyde-Park agreement and training camp, Camp X greatly effected Canada as country. Following that there were also the successful military battles for canadians, including Juno Beach and the Italian Campaign. Other individuals outside of the war also had impacts on Canada with their involvement in the social policies during the war time for instance Social welfare Programs and women's participation in the armed forces. Each of these left their own positive mark on Canada bringing it to be what it is today.

Two crucial political policies that led to canada's positive turn during world war two are the Hyde-Park agreement and Camp X. The …show more content…

It was in 1941 when the United States and Canada came to form the Hyde-Park agreement. It was declared that American produced war materials made for Britain but in Canada would become part of the Lend Lease act, this is how the two agreements tied together and the Lend Lease act was brought under the Hyde-Park agreement. Now due to this the United States would buy more of their product from Canada to sell back to Britain, but Britain could also buy their materials from Canada directly. Canada had shown great initiation and cooperation with the United States and as a result to these two agreements coming together Canada had shown proof of the war economy clearly forming into a more continental, widespread war economy. Not only did the improvement of the war economy and the agreement leading up to it have a positive impact on Canada but so did one of the most important training programs, Camp X. Camp X was a spy training camp for the allies in North America. This was the most top secret project and the school for it was located in somewhat of a dessert in Canada Ontario, near Oshawa. This …show more content…

Women in the armed forces and social welfare programs both brought advantages to non working civilians. World war 2 was the time that women were given new opportunities to help in the war. The Canadian Women Army corps was one of the women divisions, and had more than 50% of the 50000 women who had enlisted in the program were involved in this section. The women helped on foot with basic essential tasks, for instance, cooking and preparing meals as well as washing the laundry. Having the women take on these jobs gave the men more time to spend the majority of their time fighting at battle and less or the time spent having to take care of their minor needs. Eventually women started to take on more severe male jobs, they worked as mechanics and also had the task of driving around the ambulance cars and other important vehicles around the fields. Next to these women who both stayed in Canada and travelled overseas, there were also those who took part in the Canadian Women Airforce. The women in this sector had been trained for administrative and support roles, although on top of this women proceeded to work in other positions as the war continued. They were working as parachute riggers, lab assistants, and in all the mechanical and electrical areas. The wage for women increased due to their joining of the higher male jobs and aircraft business. The third area

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