
Wilfred Owen Depicts The Horror And Futility Of War

Decent Essays

“In his poetry, Wilfred Owen depicts the horror and futility of war and the impact war has on individuals.” What is your view? Wilfred Owen’s porter vividly depicts the horror and futility of war and the detrimental impact of war upon the soldiers. Owen’s poem, ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est’, written in 1917 depicts the horror of war as the physical and mental damages on the solders. Most importantly, the context of the poem subverts its title. In his other poem, ‘Futility’ written in 1918, conveys war as fatal and that war is pure wastage of human lives. In Dulce, Owen depicts horror as the arduous physical and mental damage the soldiers experienced. The simile, “bent double like old beggars”compares the presumably young men to old and weak …show more content…

Their nameless comrade is representative of all those who die needlessly in war. The tone of the speaker is assertive and sanguine when he demands the body to be moved into the sun. “Gently its touch woke him once” the sun is personified as a human and gently touches the man, waking him from sleep however the warmth and the “kindness” of the sun is incompetent to fully wake the deceased, hence, the act of reviving their comrade is futile because of war’s inevitable destructiveness. The speaker starts to question, “At home, whispering of fields half-sown. Always it woke him, even in France”. A nostalgic reference to ‘Home’ with connotations of safety and peace, the sun at home always woke him up but this time was different. Owen depicts the unfortunate young soldier as “fields half-sown” implying that he is too young to die. Owen exhibit the savagery of war depriving the lives of million young ones, leaving them futile and damaged. The point of proposing France as a battleground rather than a famous holiday destination is to accentuate that war is so fatal that it had turned such a beautiful country into a battlefield, with countless dead corpses scattered around. Furthermore, Owen’s Dulce also communicates to reader about the futility of war by showing war is futile because it is simply massacre, it is pointless because soldiers are dying and suffering. Through the simile, “His hanging face, like a devil’s sick of

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