
Why I Donald Trump Persuasive Essay

Good Essays

Jacqueline Hembree
Mr. Woods
3 February 2016
English IV
Trump for Prez.
Should everything be legal/ easy to get away with? Well, our future candidate believes it shouldn’t be legal/ easy to get away with things. He believes everything should have a consequences. He brings up very valued points on every single from immigration, abortion, and gun control etc... Donald Trump should be our new president because, he believes in stopping immigration, stopping abortion, and putting stricter laws on gun control.
Today’s American’s believe were doing absolutely nothing about immigrants “hoping” the border to come in to United States and steal our jobs and not paying taxes. Donald Trump informs us that if we voted for him and make him our next president …show more content…

Trump has been pro- choice since 1999 which means he believes it’s the women free choice to choose what’s best for her. But when he entertained the idea of running for presidential office he has changed his position in 2015. Donald Trump says that Planned Parenthood services are important but abortions and a lot of things are bad and must stop. He’s not afraid to speak the true that most candidates are in fear to point out. He’s quoted as saying “The biggest problem I have with Planned Parenthood is the abortion situation. I mean, it’s like an abortion factory, frankly”. Abortion is such a huge issue that requires delicate handling as far as the public’s options is, but he has no shame as to calling like he sees it. In fact he has shown that Planned Parenthood from 2009-2010 the abortions only accounted for 3% of all the services they offered. This has been a long standing issue in regards to how an election can be won or lost. Ever since Roe vs. Wade, abortion is always a political factor in the debating process. Trump has a tendency to speak what’s on his mind in how he plans on handling the issue when he wins the …show more content…

We need a leader who can take the United States and make it great again. Trump would be the greatest asset to the American people because he can make us great again by the way he calls it like he sees it mentality.

Work cited
• “ Blankey, Bethany “very pro- life Donald Trump stance on abortion changes with the Audience” Live action news N.p., o5 Dec 2015 web 21 Jan 2016
• Donald trump: “I will unsign Obama executive action on gun control” CNN
• Donald Trump op-ed: ”my vision for culture of life Washington examiner” n.p., 22 Jan2016
• Linthicum ,Kate “ Donald Trump helps rally Iowa’s Latinos mostly to caucus against him’ web 2 Feb 2016
• “ Second Amendment rights” Second Amendment rights n.p., n.d. wed 25 jan 2016

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