
Why I Became A Teacher

Decent Essays

I never wanted to be a teacher. In fact, if you were to ask my high school teachers what I would be when I graduated from college, they would more than likely say lawyer. I was even accepted into the Jefferson School of Law in San Diego because of my performance while visiting with my AP Government class. Even though I did not attend, I still had hopes of being a lawyer. But as it turned out I did not have the stomach for law, especially when I saw exceptions to every rule. It was not until after my dad had passed that I realized at the age of twenty that I wanted to teach. Throughout my student prep in Los Angeles, I learned quickly how political education was and how little control teachers actually had over their classroom. Throughout my training Common Core was the standard for us as incoming teachers because that’s really all we knew as far as standards were concerned. I couldn’t understand why veteran teachers hated it so much. However since teaching under Common Core standards and taking education policy courses my eyes no longer see from those rose tinted glasses. I often have parents saying that they do not understand the math homework their children come home with. During my teacher prep I thought it was pretty straight forward but as a teacher I now see that common core has taken the fun out of learning all together. No longer can simple tricks or helpful hints be used to teach or help students learn a math problem, in our district students learn one way of

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