
Why Hinduism Should Be Considered A World Religion

Good Essays

Cole Cramer
Professor Schadler
RELS 105
Why Hinduism Should Be Considered a World Religion
Religion in the world today mostly depend on the number of adherents and the rate of at which they increase in the world. While considering the statistics, studies indicate that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and with a projection that by the year 2050, its popularity shall have increased more than any other religion in the world. Alongside Islam is the Hinduism, religion which is also projected to have a faster growth rate and according to research in 2011(Gerald 20), it had grown in various countries mainly due to migration from India. The growth rate of Hinduism is projected at two percent annually when …show more content…

Unlike other religions across the world, Hinduism does not have a specific way of worship, or a god and scriptures to be used. The religion that is considered to be the oldest has an array of beliefs and practices within it, and therefore many have always referred to it as a family religion or a way of life. In the recent years, it has been established that there is a way in conformation to an almost similarity among the Hindus, and a larger population now consider a sacred text known as Veda and have a shared system of values known as dharma.
Religion can be characterized by the existence of belief and faith that something is acceptable and should be practiced without questioning or confirmation. In the Hindu religion, it can be confirmed that the way many things are characterized and the belief in the consequences of a person’s conduct can be categorically defined as faith. For instance, in Hindu, there is a belief that the individual soul is not created, but it has been in existence and will continue to exist. Just like in other religions whereby the actions of a person reaps the consequences in the next phase of life, Hindus, however, believe that the souls will one-day comeback to life in a different form, which utterly depends on the consequences of its actions before the rebirth. The kind of body that the soul will inhabit after that is determined by Karma, which is a term used to refer to actions

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