
Why Do I Pursue My Abortion?

Decent Essays

I have grown up in a heavily religious community for just over fourteen years, attending mass every Sunday I have become accustomed to the vengeful and spiteful god painted by the Reverend. A god who made lists of sins and beliefs humans must abide by to get under his good graces. One being the sanctity of life regardless of circumstance, the termination of life will result in eternal condemnation.
I found out I was pregnant in the beginning of grade 9, it came as a total shock , I didn't know what to do. I knew my parents would've been furious and disowned their daughter as total whore. The father was a one night stand so I didn't have his phone number and when I finally did reach him and I spit out the words "I'm pregnant", he ran. I have never felt so alone.
Yesterday I passed by our county's family planning office on my way to school enveloped by protesters with signs that read,"You can't be a Catholic and pro- abortion", "Her blood is on your hands", " I regret my abortion. Just as I was about to continue on when a girl caught my eye . She couldn't have been older than myself, she looked like she hadn't slept in weeks she was trying to wedge herself through the wall of protesters. I watched her get eaten alive.
As of this point I had been trying to shove my pregnancy to the back of …show more content…

Somehow I'll have to shove school somewhere between pulling overtime and changing diapers. I could go live with a friend and their parents but it only be short term and I'd still have to get a job . Child protective services would probably get involved anyway and put me and my child in the system. Making it so I might as well have put in up for adoption in the first place. The thing about both is it involves people finding out how much of a slut I am and pushing a living thing out of me. Both sound about equally

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