
Why Did The Colonists Win The Revolutionary War?

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The United States declared independence from Britain on July 4, 1776. This marked the official beginning of the Revolutionary War, although some major battles had broken out in the previous year. Initially, the British believed that they could crush their opposition. In the past century, they had been very successful in military endeavors and their army was considered to be the best in the world. They had well-equipped, disciplined, and trained soldiers, and a very powerful navy. As well as that, the British had a large amount of money which they used to hire German mercenaries called Hessians.
Despite the fact that most Americans agreed that they should separate from Britain, thousands of people opposed the war. The people in this group called …show more content…

This, however, was no simple task. The British were superior in many aspects, so how exactly did the colonists win the war? Firstly, Britain was extremely overconfident in themselves. They didn’t expect the colonists to put up much of a fight, and though that taking Boston would halt their efforts and end the rebellion. However, once that strategy failed, they were forced to take a new approach and decided to try to isolate Boston and New England by conquering the surrounding colonies including New York. Yet again, the British failed to do this, and during that time, the colonists received help from European countries like France. After defeat they tried one more strategy which was to take the South and use the loyalists who lived there. The colonists then fought them using guerilla tactics, in which they launched small hit and run attacks, and targeted the weak points in the British army. This strategy ultimately led to the colonial victory. Besides just the military tactics used by the rebels, there were some other factors that helped in their victory. Firstly, the British mostly ignored the loyalists who could have been very useful to them in battles. Secondly, although it may not seem like much, the United States generals, including George Washington were good at keeping the soldiers’ morale high, despite even a series of losses. Because of this, the army never gave up until they were victorious. Lastly, because the British were fighting in unfamiliar land which was separated from their home country by an ocean, they were faced with many disadvantages. They also had to hold control of a colony when they overtook it, meaning that some troops would have to be left behind. Overall, even though the British were much better equipped than the Americans, the colonists played to their strengths and Britain’s weakness, which proved to be

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