
Who Told You That You Were Naked Summary

Decent Essays

Who Told You That You Were Naked?
This book is a very interesting piece of work, in reading it, I have come to appreciate and re-examine the bible book of Genesis most especially the first three chapters in a totally new light. This book helps the reader to imaginatively live in the bible story of creation and witness how man was created as the epitome of God's work, how man lost his beautiful home of paradise in the garden of Eden and how this loss has impacted the lives of human from that day down to ours.

The writer of this book helps the reader to fit in the creation story as if one was a silent observer, thereby boasting the confidence of the reader by adding additional information for the reader to understand fully what he is trying to say. For example I like the way he explains the way God must have felt when he observed that Adam must be lonely because all animals appeared in twos, male and a female and Adam didn't have a female companion.The writer also did a good job in trying to capture God's intentions in the Creation scenes and use it to show the reader that God has the best intentions for man ,but man must rely on God for his survival. …show more content…

I therefore rate this book 3 out of 4 for it appeals the heart of the reader who wants to expand their bible

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